
Buoyancy test Set FK-1


【Product Description】

The set of test blocks for buoyancy experiments

【Overall Advantages to Users】

  • This test set consisting of six blocks, two each made of three kinds of materials (aluminium, PVC and wood) and with two different volumev are ideal to measure the buoyancy force in water. Such as comparison of the buoyancy force between different materials which have same volume.
  • A pulley with suction cup in the set is great for measuring the buoyancy force of wooden block in water.


  • Buoyancy force




【To all users】

  • Additionally Newton digital meter or Spring balance and a water container are necessary to measure the buoyancy force.
  • Materials: Aluminium 2 pc, PVC 2pc, Wood 2 pc
  • Bigger block side: 20 × 40 × 50mm
  • Smaller block size: 20 × 20 × 50mm
  • Pulley with suction cup: 1 pc
  • Four strings (long and short) with rings

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