Study of Batteries

Daniell Cell Experiment Set (Separate “Nested-container-like” Cup Type) DT-B


[Product Description]

Small-sized Daniell Cell Set with Separate “Nested-container-like” Cup

[Overall Advantages to Users]

  • Small-sized Daniell Cell requiring only small amount of chemicals (less than 100ml) to generate electromotive force.
  • The fluid waste remains in small quantity.


  • Volta cell
  • Daniell cell
  • Lead battery
  • Ionization tendency of metals

Click the “Download tab” below for the “Teacher’s Resources” documents such as an instruction manual and teachers’ guide(s) for experiments.



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[To all users]

  • Designed for chemicals consumption reduction using a separate “nested-container-like” cup with permeation membrane (cellophane film) used as an interface (separating membrane) to be submerged in 100ml beaker, both filled with different types of electrolytic solution.
  • Semipermeable membrane is used for the separating membrane instead of unglazed pot conventionally used for chemical battery experiments. Transparency of the membrane helps anyone have clearer image of the principle of ions’ migration.
  • Transparency of the beaker and separate “nest-container-like” cup helps anyone observe the whole structure of the Daniell Cell.

[To teachers]

  • Shorter time and less frequency required in preparing electrolytic solution because small amount is needed for the experiment.
  • Easy to treat waste liquid after the experiment.
  • Semipermeable membrane is used for the separating membrane instead of unglazed pot conventionally used for chemical battery experiments.
    Transparency of the membrane helps anyone have clearer image of the principle of ionic migration.

[To students]

  • Transparency of the whole structure of the Daniell Cell helps learners better observe the reaction process.
  • Nested Container for 100mL beaker x1 pc
  • Zinc metal plate 20 x 70 x 1mm x1 pc
  • Copper metal plate20 x 70 x 1mm x1 pc
  • Semipermeable membrane tube 250mm x 1pc
  • Rubber ring x2 pcs
  • Electrode holder x1 pc

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